There's something magical about a Friday the 13th when it falls in October. I'm not much of a modern horror movie fan but I love the classic suspense films from the 70s and 80s. Every year I have a list of movies that I watch in October to get me into a Halloween frame of mind. These include The Exorcist, Halloween, The Omen, Child's Play and The Shining. I could go on and on but you get the point. October is my very favourite month so I soak up every last minute.
Along with my yearly list of horror movies I also plan to take part in the annual drawing challenge Inktober. I don't like following the prompts but I will pick and choose a few I think I can work with. So far I've never made it past a week of finished drawing, never mind the full 31 days, but I'm forever optimistic that one day I'll finish all 31. Next year will be the year (as I said in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012...)